Erro ao instalar Fast CGI Cache

Boa noite. Estava analisando log de erro ao tentar ativar o fast cgi como comando wo site update dominio.tld --wpfc.

root@server:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled# wo site update --wpfc
Running pre-update checks [OK]
Backup location : /var/www/
Backing up database [Fail]
Check the log for details: tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log and please try again

Abaixo o log (é um erro de sintaxe do script ? )

root@server:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled# nano /var/log/wo/wordops.log

  • GNU nano 2.7.4 File: /var/log/wo/wordops.log*

^[[36m2021-04-06 21:40:30,730 (DEBUG) wo.core.logging : ^[[95mSetting apt_packages variable for MySQL^[[0m
^[[36m2021-04-06 21:40:30,730 (DEBUG) wo.core.logging : ^[[95mRunning command: /usr/bin/mysqladmin ping^[[0m
^[[36m2021-04-06 21:40:30,739 (DEBUG) wo.core.logging : ^[[95mCommand Output: mysqld is alive
Command Error: ^[[0m
^[[36m2021-04-06 21:40:30,739 (DEBUG) wo.core.logging : ^[[95mSetting packages variable for WP-CLI^[[0m
^[[36m2021-04-06 21:40:30,739 (DEBUG) wo.core.logging : ^[[95m’Namespace’ object has no attribute ‘web’^[[0m
^[[32m2021-04-06 21:40:30,740 (INFO) wo : ^[[94mRunning pre-run checks^[[0m
^[[36m2021-04-06 21:40:30,740 (DEBUG) wo.core.logging : ^[[95mchecking NGINX configuration …^[[0m
^[[32m2021-04-06 21:40:30,922 (INFO) wo : ^[[92mRunning pre-update checks^[[0m
^[[36m2021-04-06 21:40:30,923 (DEBUG) wo.core.logging : ^[[95mCreating directories: /var/www/^[[0m
^[[32m2021-04-06 21:40:30,924 (INFO) wo : ^[[94mBackup location : /var/www/^[[0m
^[[36m2021-04-06 21:40:30,924 (DEBUG) wo.core.logging : ^[[95mCopying file, Source:/etc/nginx/sites-available/, Dest:/var/www/^[[0m
^[[32m2021-04-06 21:40:30,925 (INFO) wo : ^[[94mBacking up database ^[[0m
^[[36m2021-04-06 21:40:30,926 (DEBUG) wo.core.logging : ^[[95mRunning command: mysqldump --single-transaction sanocorp_com_br_RQVivn4D | zstd -T0 -c> /var/www/$
^[[36m2021-04-06 21:40:30,957 (DEBUG) wo.core.logging : ^[[95mCommand Output: ,
Command Error: Incorrect parameters
Usage :

  •  zstd [args] [FILE(s)] [-o file]*

FILE : a filename

  •      with no FILE, or when FILE is - , read standard input*

Arguments :

  • -# : # compression level (1-19, default:3)*
  • -d : decompression*
  • -D file: use file as Dictionary*
  • -o file: result stored into file (only if 1 input file)*
  • -f : overwrite output without prompting*
    –rm : remove source file(s) after successful de/compression
  • -k : preserve source file(s) (default)*
  • -h/-H : display help/long help and exit*
    mysqldump: Got errno 32 on write
    ^[[32m2021-04-06 21:40:30,958 (INFO) wo : ^[[94m[^[[0m^[[91mFail^[[94m]^[[0m
    ^[[36m2021-04-06 21:40:30,958 (DEBUG) wo.core.logging : ^[[95m’mysqldump failed to backup database’^[[0m
    ^[[32m2021-04-06 21:40:30,959 (INFO) wo : ^[[94m^[[91mCheck the log for details: tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log and please try again^[[0m

Usei o comando com --wpredis para tentar usar o Redis mas ocorre erro semelhante.

Para complementar, acredito que qualquer comando wo site update está dando o mesmo erro.

Lendo a documentação do WO, apliquei o comando wo update --beta.
Depois apliquei o comando wo update site dominio.tld --wpfc e funcionou ok

Veja o resultado;

INFO: Initializing WordOps Database
INFO: Running pre-update checks […]
Running pre-update checks [OK]
INFO: Running pre-update checks
Backup location : /var/www/
INFO: Backup location : /var/www/
INFO: Backing up database
Backing up database [Done]
INFO: [Done]
INFO: Setting up NGINX configuration
Setting up NGINX configuration [Done]
INFO: [Done]
INFO: Setting up webroot
Setting up webroot [Done]
INFO: [Done]
INFO: Setting plugin nginx-helper…]
Setting plugin nginx-helper [OK]
INFO: Setting plugin nginx-helper
INFO: Testing Nginx configuration .]
Testing Nginx configuration [OK]
INFO: Testing Nginx configuration
INFO: Reloading Nginx .]
Reloading Nginx [OK]
INFO: Reloading Nginx
Nginx-Helper configuration :
INFO: Nginx-Helper configuration :
Successfully updated site
INFO: Successfully updated site

Esse problema já foi relatado e a correção será implementada na próxima atualização.

No momento também pode usar o: wo update --force

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