Erro - Instalação de SSL no aaPanel

Gabriel, boa noite!

Pode me ajudar?
Acabei de instalar o AaPanel, e não consigo habilitar o SSL

Sorry, an unexpected error occurred while the panel was running. Please try to resolve this error in the following order:

  1. Click the Fix button in the upper right corner of [Home], and log out of the panel and log in again.
  2. Still unresolved, please take a screenshot of this window and post on the forum for help, address:

Já fiz os procedimentos e nada.

Gabriel, resolvido:
Como eu fiz?

Instalei o SSL configurando a API do Cloudflare no Painel (AaPanel)
E-mail e senha
Tudo certo, pode encerrar este tópico, obrigado!

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